Install MS Office 2010 in Windows XP SP2

If you are a Windows XP SP2 user, you might have received an error when you try to install Microsoft’s new Office 2010.
The error message may like –

To install Office 2010 on your Windows XP SP2 ,first of all you should update to XP SP3 or just download and install the tool MSXML 6.0 SP1from Microsoft.

After that,
1. Go to Registry
2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows

3. Change CSDVersion string value from 200 to 300

4. Reboot
5. Install Office 2010 and reboot again
6. Repeat first four steps to get 300 to 200 parameter again
6. Voila! Enjoy your product .

Hope it will help you.

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